Donations & Endowments
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For Your Future... And Theirs

Your presence is needed. For your family. For your community. For Israel. For the Jewish people. But what will happen when you can no longer be there? A planned gift to your Jewish community enables you to be present forever. You don't have to be wealthy to help... Learn more

A new law eliminates taxes for IRA distributions to charity. This means you can support your Jewish community from your IRA, with no adverse tax consequences. Learn more 

Live generously.


They’re Here!

Join with Jews across North America in proudly wearing the LIVE GENEROUSLY bracelet.

Living Generously means giving to others, taking responsibility, acting with loving-kindness. Living Generously is your need to grow the community and its traditions for your children and your children's children. It's your need to provide both immediate comfort and long-term help heal the world, bringing dignity and opportunities where none existed before.

Your generosity does a world of good.

Your values inspire us.

Your strength empowers us.

Your commitment is at the very heart of our community.

Live Generously bracelets are available. The suggested donation is $1 per bracelet.

Quantities are limited. Order online or contact your Synagogue, Hebrew School or Day School.  Live Generously

Where Your Money Goes
Social Action
Rescue and Non-Sectarian Relief
Public Health and Medicine
Jewish Education
Family and Women's Issues

Contact Us

To contact the Jewish Federation of Central New Jersey, please call 908-889-5335 or .  

Young Leadership
Live a life of fulfillment and connection. Make the connection to your Jewish soul and to the soul of your Jewish community. Take advantage of Jewish federation’s countless opportunities to enrich your life...  learn more