5:00 pm Registration
5:30 pm Parent Panel: A Day in the (Jewish) Life of Children with Special Needs and their Families
6:25 pm Breakout Session One (choose one from list 1 below)
7:30 pm Breakout Session Two (choose one from list 2 below)
8:35 pm Dessert & Discussion
Breakout Session 1
Sessions - Facilitators
A. A Child-Centered Approach to Bar/Bat Mitzvah - Rabbi George Nudell, Congregation Beth Israel, Scotch Plains.
B. Understanding Learning Disabilities for the Hebrew/Religious School Teacher - Michelle Abraham, RJE.
C. Thinking Beyond the Classroom. Karen Steinfeld, Psychologist.
D. Synagogue School Programming for Diverse Learners: Alternative Hebrew at Temple Beth El Hillsborough - Debra Siroka, Director of Jewish Learning; Lisa Friedman, Special Needs Coordinator - Temple Beth El.
E. Red Flags: How to Recognize and Respond to Developmental Difficulties - Claudia Frankel, Early Childhood Special Educator.
Breakout Session 2
Sessions - Facilitators
A. When it Seems that the Child is Managing You!: Managing the Challenging Child's Behavior - Dr. Laura Weitzman, Director of Student Personnel Services, Warren Township.
B. Asperger Syndrome: an Overview - Lori Shery, President - ASPEN.
C. Helping the Student with Receptive and Expressive Language Difficulties: A Classroom Approach - Deborah N. Zakarin, M.S. CCC-SLP, Speech-Language Pathologist.
D. Strategies for Individualizing Hebrew Instruction - Debra Siroka, Director of Jewish Learning; Lisa Friedman, Special Needs Coordinator - Temple Beth El.
E. Partnerships: How to Collaborate with Parents to Develop and Maintain a Positive Religious Educational Experience for Children with Special Needs - Brenda Dater, Social Worker/Special Educator.
Click to register and choose breakout sessions.

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