Damage to the Cana'an Absorption Center in Safed by a Katyusha Rocket |
How Your Donation is
Helping Israeli Victims
In response to the ongoing violent threat against Israel, we aim to help the most vulnerable populations in Israelís besieged north, chiefly children, seniors and the disabled, and new immigrants. Funds collected will go toward:
bringing thousands of people from the north to safer areas further south, to give them a respite from the attacks and life in bomb shelters and possibly bring entire families out of harmís way. Click for cost of evacuation and for summer camp update from Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI);
aiding the elderly and other at-risk populations, including the disabled, by offering intervention programs in day-care centers and support communities and trauma relief
treating terror victims with direct support programs such as counseling;
Click here for individual stories of victims and those helping them.

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